Angel Knight (Angel Controls and Combat Mechanics)

Angel Controls

I've created mouse controls for the second player to control the angel. As the player moves the mouse the angel follows. The abilities are used via the left and right click buttons. The player may switch abilities using the scroll wheel.

The first Angel ability is Angel Block which is a hovering platform for the knight to stand on.

The second Angel Ability is Angel Wall which acts as a barrier between the knight and enemies. The knight may also jump from it. Unlike the block, the wall has gravity and cannot hover.

The third Angel Ability is Light Ball which is shot out in rapid succession towards the mouse. These balls heal the knight player on impact an may also be used to distract enemies.

Code snippet of the function that creates the Angel Block

Moving forward with the Angel I'd like to create cooldowns for each ability and a mana-like resource to be used. This will eliminate some of the broken platforming you can do with the block and the wall and cause the angel player to strategize more about the abilities he/she uses.

Combat Mechanics

The combat mechanics so far are very simple. The knight player can swing his sword to do damage and use his shield to block attacks. So far I've been using a 2DBoxCast to check if an enemy has been hit (likewise with enemies attacking the knight). 

Knight and enemy both attacking each other.

Knight preparing to block an incoming attack

Code snippet of the function used to detect if the enemy's attack hit the player

Moving forward with combat mechanics I'd like to add a knock back feature and some other visual and sound effects to give each attack more weight. Of course the art and animation needs an overhaul, but for now it serves its purpose.

Angel Knight Coop Platfomer

I've started working on a prototype for a game idea I've had for a few months now. The main concept is to have a player as a knight who navigates through the level like a regular platfomer while a second player controlling an angel supports the knight in getting through the level. So far the prototype has basic knight controls (Horizontal movement, jumping, attacking). My next step is to add in angel controls. For this prototype the knight will be controlled with the keyboard and the angel with the mouse. If things work out well I may look into running this game off of a network.

Basic level layout to test game play mechanics

Unity development work space with knight selected on the inspector.

Code snippet from the horizontal movement function.